Re|Engage Frequently Asked Questions
Location: Newcomers at Central Campus, small groups will meet near Central, Pelzer, or Pleasant View Campuses or online based on the couples who sign up.
Thursday nights from 6:30 – 8:00 PM.
Newcomers Night: March 13, 2025
The program was launched at Watermark Community Church in September 2008 and has since expanded to other churches.
The format of the night is as follows:
1. Large Group Time (testimony or teaching) - currently large group is online.
2. Small Group Time (different options)
Night 1: Newcomers Group
Nights 2 and after: Closed Group: Couples will be put into a group with 5-6 other couples and a facilitator couple, and work through the re|engage participant’s guide together. Once this group starts, you can expect it to last 15-18 weeks, depending upon holidays.
There is no personal sharing during the large group meeting. Though we encourage you to remain active in group discussion, any personal sharing during the small group meetings is voluntary.
We believe that Scripture calls us to refrain from gossip, and we ask all participants and facilitators to adhere to the guideline that what is discussed in the group stays in the group. Re|engage facilitators are encouraged to operate under the direction of God’s Word in handling the information shared in the group. To provide a safe environment, the facilitators have committed to not share information about others outside the group except in the event of the threat of physical, emotional or spiritual injury, and then to be dealt with under the guidance of re|engage staff.
Our prayer is that you will feel safe to share within your small group. We find that the more authentic and transparent couples can be with others, the more they find hope and healing within their marriage.
Re|engage is not marriage counseling and the leaders are facilitators, not counselors. They are also growing in their own marriages. Everyone in the group is on the journey to oneness in marriage. We believe that openness and honesty in a small group setting using Biblically-based curriculum is where God works to grow and resurrect marriages.
Childcare will be provided.
Until you join a closed group, there is no commitment necessary. The first week of re|engage is newcomer’s night. You will hear more about the re|engage curriculum and can ask any questions that you may have. Beginning the second week you will join at your campus times for a large group time of teaching or a testimony before breaking out into your Closed group for discussions.
Completion of the curriculum (which is only for the closed groups) will take approximately 20-30 minutes each week. The time required will vary, but it is designed for minimal time commitment.
Once you join a Closed group, working through the re|engage curriculum will require a 15 to 18-week commitment, depending upon holidays. This is the time in which the group is working through the curriculum together. Cost for participating in a closed group is $50 only per couple.
Absolutely! While the outcome is based on the work each individual couple is willing to do to save their marriage, the platform provides a safe place to focus on what a healthy marriage should look like, and it provides some tools to help grow toward this goal.
Whether you want to make a good marriage great, or whether your marriage needs to be reignited, or needs a complete resurrection, re|engage is a safe place for couples to reconnect.
While you will be in a small group together, each of you will be sharing about what you learn personally each week. However, there are some exercises that may require you to interact with each other throughout the process.
Our prayer is that you will find hope that can come through allowing God to do a mighty work within your marriage.
Absolutely! In fact, participating in re|engage at this stage in your marriage is a great idea! The program will provide a strong foundation for your marriage.
We suggest you elect to focus on marriage preparation through pre-marital mentoring or premarital counseling. If you would like more information on pre-marital preparation available through ALIVE, please email
The large group teaching time is a great place for everyone. The small groups require both spouses to be most effective. If your spouse can’t attend right now, then maybe both of you can join when your schedule allows. If you're interested in RE|ENGAGE, and would like to check it out, join us for our newcomers night where the program is explained. If your spouse won’t attend, consider sharing some of our online resources or inviting them to check out a newcomers night with you Hopefully God will do some major restoration in your life and your spouse will see it and want some restoration too.
Re|Engage Team