• Whether it comes from a co-worker, a friend, a sibling, or someone from my small group—this question always throws me off.  It breaks up the pattern of my perfunctory “I’m fines” and pushes me to respond thoughtfully, honestly And that is what makes authentic community so uncomfortable. 

  • Over the past week, we have made significant progress to our parking lot and worship space. Continual improvements are taking place such as resurfacing our parking lot. Giving our parking lot a facelift is a simple way for us to make our outdoor spaces more durable and attractive. This project also helps us create excellent environment in preparation for guests. 

  • We don’t make decisions in a vacuum and every “personal” choice we make has implications for those closest to us. And this can be a really awesome thing. 


    Take baptism for example. What if when someone makes the decision to get baptized it impacts the entire community? 

  • Plans are already rolling for a major remodel. We've painted the outside of both buildings, and they look great. These external changes have caught the attention and excitement not just of church members but of the community as well.